Table Creation and Data Manipulation Commands sumita arora solution || Table Creation and Data Manipulation Commands class 12 sumita arora solution || Table Creation and Data Manipulation Commands class 12 sumita arora || Table Creation and Data Manipulation Commands sumita arora || sumita arora Table Creation and Data Manipulation Commands || sumita arora Table Creation and Data Manipulation Commands solution || Table Creation and Data Manipulation Commands sumita arora practical solution || sumita arora practical solution || Table Creation and Data Manipulation Commands class 12 solution || Table Creation and Data Manipulation Commands class 12


Q 1 = Insert all those records of table Accounts into table Pending where amt_outstanding is more than 10000



Q 2 =  Increase salary of employee records by 10% (table employee). 



Q 3 =  Give commission of Rs. 500 to all employees who joined in year 1982 (table Empl). 



Q 4 = Allocate the department situated in BOSTON to employee with employee number 7500 (tables EMPL, Dept)



Q 5 = Given the following tables:

Orders (OrdNo, Ord_date, ProdNo#, Qty)

Product (ProdNo, Descp, Price)

Payment (OrdNo, Pment)

Write a query to delete all those records from table Orders whose complete payment has been made. 



Q 6. Enlist the names of all tables created by you. 



Q 7 = Write Query statements for following transaction : (Consider tables of question 12)

(1)= Increase price of all products by 10%.

(2) = List the details of all orders whose payment is pending as per increased price.

(3) = Decrease prices by 10% for all those products for which orders were placed 10 months before. 



Q 8 = Modify table Empl, add another column called Grade of VARCHAR type, size 1 into it. 



Q 9 = In the added column Grade, assign grades as follows if sal is in range 700 -1500, Grade is 1 if sal is in range 1500 - 2200, Grade is 2 if sal is in range 2200 -3000, Grade is 3 if sal is in range 3000 - Grade is 4 



Q 10 =  Add a constraint (NN-Grade) in table Empl that declares column Grade not null. 



Q 11 = Insert a record of your choice in table Empl. Make sure not to enter Grade.



Q 12 = Modify the definition of column Grade. Increase its size to 2. 



Q 13 = Drop the table Empl. 



Q 14 = Create the table Department table based on the following table instance chart. 



Q 15 = Populate the table Department with data from table dept. Including only required columns. 



Q 16 =  Create the table Employee based un the following table instance chart.



Q 17 = Drop table Employee and Department. 



Q 18 = Create table Customer as per following Table Instance Chart. 



Q 19 = Add one column Email of data type VARCHAR and size 30 to the table Customer.



Q 20 = Add one more column CustomerincomeGroup of datatype VARCHAR(10). 



Q 21 = Insert few records with relevant information, in the table. 



Q 22 = Drop the column CustomerlncomeGroup from table Customer.



Q 23 = Create table Department as per following Table Instance Chart. 



Q 24 = Create table Employee as per following Table Instance Chart. 

Q25 = View structures of all tables created by you.


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  1. 25)view structures of all tables created by you

  2. type A questions please

  3. Sir , type A question's solution please

  4. Type A questions

  5. Q25 isn't answered yet?

  6. 25) view structures of all tables created by you.

  7. Type A solutions?

  8. Please provide type A answers:
    1.What are different divisions of SQL and commands ? Give examples of commands in each
    2.What is foreign key ? How do you define a foreign key in your table ?
    3. How is FOREIGN KEY commands different from PRIMARY KEY command ?
    4. How is FOREIGN KEY commands related to the PRIMARY KEY ?
    5.How do you enforce business rules on a database ?
    6.What are table constraints ? What are column constraints ? How are these two different ?
    7.What is default value ? How do you define it ? What is the default value of column for which no default
    value is define ?
    8.Differentiate between :


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